April 19, 2017

1 Dollar Per Day Etsy Promotions Results

As promised, here are my results from the last month using Etsy’s promoted listings feature capped at 1 dollar per day. Sadly, I have no benchmark to run this against other than “likes” and actual sales. Sales were up for me just a tad bringing in 3 more than in the prior month. Likes were tremendous however, if you want people to “like” your products and you’re willing to pay for it; Etsy Promoted Listings is a must. I generally get 3-10 likes per day as opposed to less than that a week before this experiment.

One odd thing did happen during this time period however that is worth noting. I had my first flake buyer and they came through one of the promoted listings! I had someone find an item via Etsy, purchase and within 4 hours, they requested cancel the order. The exposure from Promoted Listings is great but you’re exposed to a wider audience which includes remorseful buyers. Has anyone tried using the Google Shopping promotion tool on Etsy?

Thank you for reading as always, ask any questions and keep on selling!


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